February 27, 2015

US PSN celebrate March and April with Spring Fever 2015

UPDATE: Spring Fever Week #1 already live in US PSN.
NOTE: If you come here specifically for link to pre-order the bluray version of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. It is available after the list. This post is about an upcoming deals. If you want to see what deals currently ongoing, check the last part of this post.

If you are waiting for PS Plus IGC games announcement in our blog. Sorry there are still no information on those yet. Other than the leaked two titles for JP PS Plus members, there are no games announced yet as March 2015 Instant Games Collection.


That doesn't stop US PSN from adding another sale event. March is still several days away but a new event called Spring Fever 2015 is announced and will probably keep you busy for two months. This event is divided per week, and comprised of one new game release with 10% discount for US PS+ members, also a themed sale for games and movies. So if you are planning to purchase a game from a particular franchise, better wait until it get discounted. Let's check the list:

March 3rd - 9th
Game Sale Theme: LEGO
Movie Sale Theme: The Hobbit
New game release: Helldivers
$19.99 ($17.99 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/PS3/Vita

March 10th - 16th
Game Sale Theme: Saints Row
Movie Sale Theme: X-Men
New game release: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
$14.99 ($13.49 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/PS3/Vita

March 17th - 23rd
Game Sale Theme: Assassin's Creed
Movie Sale Theme: Transformers
New game release Jamestown+
$11.99 ($10.79 with +)
PS4 only

March 24th - 30th
Game Sale Theme: God of War
Movie Sale Theme: Spider-Man
New game release: Metal Slug 3
$14.99 ($13.49 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/PS3/Vita

March 31st - April 6th
Game Sale Theme: Batman
Movie Sale Theme: Batman
New game release: Axiom Verge
$19.99 ($17.99 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/Vita (Vita version comes later)

April 7th - 13th
Game Sale Theme: Dragon Age
Movie Sale Theme: LEGO
New game release: Bastion
$14.99 ($13.49 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/Vita (Vita version comes later)

April 14th - 20th
Game Sale Theme: Grand Theft Auto
Movie Sale Theme: Planet of the Apes
New game release: Titan Souls
$9.99 ($8.99 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/Vita

April 21st - 27th
Game Sale Theme: Call of Duty
Movie Sale Theme: Taken
New game release: Shovel Knight
$14.99 ($13.49 with +)
Crossbuy PS4/PS3/Vita

We are waiting for the God of War sale to arrive, how about you?

We'd like to remind you too that there are also several big titles that are going to be released in March. One of them is Final Fantasy Type-0 HD which you can pre-order the bluray version here. Remember, only the physical bluray version (first print only) will include the -Episode Duscae- demo for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV game.

Interested to take advantage when the sale comes but don't have US PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

You can start topping-up your account with codes purchased from cdkeys and play-asia. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC.

If your PSN account is a sub-account, you can now upgrade it into master account, only if your age is over 18. See this blog post for detail.

To purchase Plus membership, go here for USUKHK, or JP.
30 days membership starts at $10 for PSN US, or $8.9 for PSN UK, or $5 for PSN HK, or $4.3 for PSN JP.

Deals currently ongoing:
  1. Spring Fever Week #1 in US PSN
  2. Final Fantasy Deals and Digital Discount part 4 in UK PSN. 
  3. March games for PS Plus members has online. See here for US/EU, and JP. Games for Asian region has not been announced.
  4. Get one year of PS4 online multiplayer for only US$29.99. HK PSN account required.
  5. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess free for life, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  6. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  7. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  8. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

February 25, 2015

Deals on Ubisoft games and Vita Birthday live in US PSN! (EXPIRED)

UPDATE: EXPIRED. Replaced with Spring Fever Deal Week #1.

Replacing the previous Critic's Choice, Aksys, and Focus Home Sale, Vita owners will love the sale this week, for everyone else who don't own a Vita, there is a Ubisoft sale for you.

Confused how to make a purchase from PSN webstore? Read our guideYou can purchase top-ups for your account from play-asia. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC.

Without further ado, here is the list. Click on the sale title to go to the corresponding sale in US PSN:

Ubisoft Sale
PS4  Far Cry 4 Gold Edition $53.99
PS4  Just Dance 2015 $34.99
PS4  Monopoly Family Fun Pack $20.99
PS4  Monopoly Plus $10.99
PS4  Rabbids Invasion $27.99
PS4  Tetris Ultimate $6.99
PS4  The Crew $41.99
PS4  The Crew Silver Credit Pack $14.99
PS4  Trials Fusion $13.99
PS4  Watch Dogs $24.99
PS4  Watch Dogs Season Pass $13.99
PS3  Beyond Good & Evil HD $3.49
PS3  Far Cry Classic $4.99
PS3  Far Cry 3 $9.99
PS3  Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon $4.99
PS3  Far Cry 4 Gold Edition $53.99
PS3  Just Dance 2015 $27.99
PS3  Rayman Origins $9.99
PS3  Watch Dogs $19.99
PS3  Watch Dogs Season Pass $13.99
Vita  Rayman Origins $13.49

PSVita Birthday Sale
Cel Damage HD (Crossbuy PS4, PS3) $3.00 ($2.10 with +)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP/PSTV) $8.99 ($7.49 with +)
Gods Eater Burst (PSP/PSTV) $10.00 ($6.00 with +)
Angry Birds Star Wars $14.80 ($9.60 with +)
Atelier Meruru Plus $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Atelier Rorona Plus $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Atelier Totori Plus $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Ben 10 Galactic Racing $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified $15.00 ($10.00 with +)
Deception IV: Blood Ties $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z $12.00 ($7.50 with +)
Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable $12.00 ($7.50 with +)
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd $23.99 ($19.99 with +)
Home $3.49 ($2.49 with +)
Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth 1 $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Jak & Daxter Collection $13.50 ($8.10 with +)
Jet Set Radio $5.99 ($4.99 with +)
Let’s Fish! Hooked On $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Limbo $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Metrico $7.00 ($4.20 with +)
Monster Monpiece $17.99 ($11.99 with +)
Muramasa Rebirth $12.50 ($7.50 with +)
New Little King’s Story $11.90 ($9.99 with +)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD $6.99 ($4.99 with +)
Orgarhythm $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale $9.00 ($5.40 with +)
Putty Squad $14.99 ($9.99 with +)
Ring Run Circus $3.50 ($2.00 with +)
Silent Hill: Book of Memories $17.99 ($14.99 with +)
Sumioni: Demon Arts $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Tales of Hearts R $27.99 ($19.99 with +)
The Amazing Spider-Man $14.80 ($9.60 with +)
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops $5.59 ($3.99 with +)
Urban Trial Freestyle $1.75 ($0.70 with +)
Valhalla Knights 3 $10.00 ($6.00 with +)
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward $12.50 ($7.50 with +)
Some free stuffs being offered as part of the Vita birthday:
Toro and Friends PS Vita Theme (available free February 26 - March 2.)
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake 8 Gold Coin Pack 
Destiny of Spirits – Spirit of Himiko (You'll need to start Destiny of Spirits and complete the tutorial by midnight between February 24th and 25th to be qualified for the gift. It will be delivered to your in-game mailbox after the regular maintenance on February 26th. When you start the game, go to Communicate – Mailbox in order to receive it.)

There are a lot of love for Vita this week isn't it? If you are not interested in any titles offered, you can also check and take advantage of the other sale for Vita Birthday in the EU region.

Note for Vita/PSTV users who are not using US PSN store and interested to switch region: Switching between regions on PS Vita requires a separate Vita Memory Card involving a factory reset on Vita devices. So if your PSN account on your Vita currently is not US PSN and you are feeling that there is too much hassle to switch, perhaps it is better to wait until the title you want is being offered in your region. Nobody knows when though. If you don't mind switching region, Kotaku has written a detailed tutorial on how to change PSN region on PS Vita, you can check it.

Interested to take advantage? Don't have US PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

If your PSN account is a sub-account, you can now upgrade it into master account, only if your age is over 18. See this blog post for detail.

To purchase Plus membership, go here for USUKHK, or JP.
30 days membership starts at $10 for PSN US, or $8.9 for PSN UK, or $5 for PSN HK, or $4.3 for PSN JP.

Deals currently ongoing:
  1. Vita Birthday and Ubisoft Sale in US PSN.
  2. Another Vita Birthday sale, February Price Cut, and Digital Discount part 3 in UK PSN.
  3. Get two years of PS4 online play for a price equivalent to US$64.1
  4. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess for free, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  5. Play February 2015 IGC games for free if you are subscribing PS Plus. 
  6. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  7. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  8. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

February 24, 2015

Yakuza Zero demo is now available for non Plus members of JP PSN.

*Man in the picture say with his eyes: Grab the demo now or I'll kick your a**!

After being available exclusively for JP PSN PS+ members, the Yakuza Zero demo is now made available to everyone who are JP PSN member in all over the world. No top-ups required, just click the link below to see the game page on JP PSN. Remember, this game is still Japanese only.

After clicking the link, click on the grey button (with Japanese text 体験版) below the game logo picture on the game page. The demo is quite heavy at 4~5GBs for each console, you might want to do some space management before downloading. You can read our guide if you are confused how to get a game from JP PSN webstore, the guide is written for purpose of purchasing game, for free stuffs or game demos however, the steps are extremely similar, if not exactly the same.

You may want to get the demo now and keep it since the demos for Yakuza series are usually disappear awhile after the game released. You can't even look for Yakuza 5 demo anywhere in any PSN webstore. Even Yakuza Ishin! demo is no more available in JP PSN. Luckily they are still up in HK PSN. So if you missed those, you can still download them now.

Unlike Yakuza Zero and Ishin! demo, Yakuza 4 demo is in English and only about the battle system of Yakuza game. No stories or free roaming whatsoever.

If you are interested, Yakuza 4 (PS3) English version is currently offered free to play for US and EU PS plus members. And only available until March 3rd. Click here to see the game in US and UK PSN store.

If you want to have a bluray version of Yakuza Zero when the game release, you can pre-order now too!

Interested to try this game? If you are not a Japanese or HK PSN member yet, the good news is it is open to everyone all over the world, you don't have to be Japanese/Hongkongers or living in Japan/HK to be a member. The bad news is that the Japan store is only in Japanese, so click here to read our tutorial on how to set up a JP PSN account straight from your PC

If your account is a PSN sub-account, you can now upgrade into master account, only after your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

Deals currently ongoing:
  1. Spring Fever Week #1 in US PSN
  2. Final Fantasy Deals and Digital Discount part 4 in UK PSN. 
  3. March games for PS Plus members has online. See here for US/EU, and JP. Games for Asian region has not been announced.
  4. Get one year of PS4 online multiplayer for only US$29.99. HK PSN account required.
  5. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess free for life, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  6. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  7. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  8. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

US PSN also celebrate PS Vita Birthday with Sale!

UPDATE: The sale already live, see it here.

Joining UK/EU PSN who is celebrating PS Vita 3rd birthday since last week, US PSN also celebrate Vita birthday with their own sale. The sale is not live yet, it will live in around 9am PST February 24th after the store updates, the list however is already made public.

All games listed below are catering for PSVita, some games are crossbuy and can be played on another PS console, no list about PSTV compatibility so you'll have to make sure by yourself before purchasing. Please note that some prices are in higher face value in Canada due to currency exchange.

And without further ado, here is the list:

PSVita Birthday Sale
Angry Birds Star Wars $14.80 ($9.60 with +)
Atelier Meruru Plus $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Atelier Rorona Plus $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Atelier Totori Plus $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Ben 10 Galactic Racing $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified $15.00 ($10.00 with +)
Deception IV: Blood Ties $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z $12.00 ($7.50 with +)
Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable $12.00 ($7.50 with +)
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd $23.99 ($19.99 with +)
Home $3.49 ($2.49 with +)
Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth 1 $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Jak & Daxter Collection $13.50 ($8.10 with +)
Jet Set Radio $5.99 ($4.99 with +)
Let’s Fish! Hooked On $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Limbo $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Metrico $7.00 ($4.20 with +)
Monster Monpiece $17.99 ($11.99 with +)
Muramasa Rebirth $12.50 ($7.50 with +)
New Little King’s Story $11.90 ($9.99 with +)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 2 $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD $6.99 ($4.99 with +)
Orgarhythm $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale $9.00 ($5.40 with +)
Putty Squad $14.99 ($9.99 with +)
Ring Run Circus $3.50 ($2.00 with +)
Silent Hill: Book of Memories $17.99 ($14.99 with +)
Sumioni: Demon Arts $5.00 ($3.00 with +)
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment $23.99 ($15.99 with +)
Tales of Hearts R $27.99 ($19.99 with +)
The Amazing Spider-Man $14.80 ($9.60 with +)
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops $5.59 ($3.99 with +)
Urban Trial Freestyle $1.75 ($0.70 with +)
Valhalla Knights 3 $10.00 ($6.00 with +)
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward $12.50 ($7.50 with +)

Some games that are specificly also available for PS consoles other than Vita:
Cel Damage HD (Crossbuy PS4, PS3) $3.00 ($2.10 with +)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP/PSTV) $8.99 ($7.49 with +)
Gods Eater Burst (PSP/PSTV) $10.00 ($6.00 with +)

There are some free stuffs being offered as part of the Vita birthday:
Toro and Friends PS Vita Theme (available free February 26 - March 2.)
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake 8 Gold Coin Pack 
Destiny of Spirits – Spirit of Himiko (You'll need to start Destiny of Spirits and complete the tutorial by midnight between February 24th and 25th to be qualified for the gift. It will be delivered to your in-game mailbox after the regular maintenance on February 26th. When you start the game, go to Communicate – Mailbox in order to receive it.)

Don't have a Vita? Don't worry, while PSN has not mentioned any game for PS3/PS4 yet, it doesn't mean there are no sale for this system. We will see what is the sale offer for the home system after the store update at around 9am morning.

Confused how to make a purchase from PSN webstore? Read our guideYou can purchase top-ups for your account from play-asia. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC.

Note for Vita/PSTV users who are not using US PSN store and interested to switch region: Switching between regions on PS Vita requires a separate Vita Memory Card involving a factory reset on Vita devices. So if your PSN account on your Vita currently is not US PSN and you are feeling that there is too much hassle to switch, perhaps it is better to wait until the title you want is being offered in your region. Nobody knows when though. If you don't mind switching region, Kotaku has written a detailed tutorial on how to change PSN region on PS Vita, you can check it.

Interested to take advantage? Don't have US PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

If you were live on PSN sub-account before, you can now upgrade your sub-account into master account, after your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

To purchase Plus membership, go here for USUKHK, or JP.
30 days membership starts at $10 for PSN US, or $8.9 for PSN UK, or $5 for PSN HK, or $4.3 for PSN JP.

Deals currently ongoing:
  1. Vita Birthday and Ubisoft Sale in US PSN.
  2. Another Vita Birthday sale, February Price Cut, and Digital Discount part 3 in UK PSN.
  3. Get two years of PS4 online play for a price equivalent to US$64.1
  4. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess for free, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  5. Play February 2015 IGC games for free if you are subscribing PS Plus. 
  6. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  7. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  8. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

BBCP and Toukiden confirmed to be your March'15 Japan PS Plus IGC!

UPDATE: No need to read this anymore. The full list for March 2015 Japanese PSN PS Plus IGC is already out. See here. And yes, these two games are legit.

It seems two of the content for March 2015 IGC for Japanese PS Plus members all around the world are leaked. We don't know if this is real or not but it seems the picture is legit enough, it is said to come from a pamphlet (brochure) given in a store and has been snapped and uploaded on Twitter universe. Moreover, there are several gamers' blog in Japan such as this one and this one that are talking about it.

If this information is true, then we got several confirmations from the picture.
  1. One of the game for PS Vita is an Action RPG titled Toukiden: The Age of Demons, and the version offered is the "PSVita the best". This game is Japanese only. Source.
  2. One of the game for PS3 is a fighting game BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma (most blog predict it is for PS3, while we can't see it clearly in the photo, it seems it is for PS3 due to the lack of space as in "PS Vita", and this version of the game is not available on PS4). No language information about this game, so expect Japanese only.
  3. The April 2015 Japanese PS Plus IGC will live on April 1st.
If you can't read Japanese, BlazBlue is a great offer since a fighting game doesn't really need any Japanese language proficiency.

For US/EU PSN, we heard some rumours about an Indie game titled Helldivers is one of the crossbuy offer for March 2015 IGC. No matter how convincing the probability is, we only treat this as rumour. Expect the goodies for US/EU PSN to be revealed in this week. Stay tuned.

Interested to take advantage? If you are not a Japanese PSN member yet, the good news is it is open to everyone all over the world, you don't have to be Japanese or living in Japan to be a member, and its 30 days PS+ subscription is the world's cheapest at only 514 Yen or $4.33! The bad news is that the store is only in Japanese, so click here to read our tutorial on how to set up a JP PSN account straight from your PC. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC. And just in time, Play-Asia.com have a lucky draw until Feb 25th if you buy JP PSN top-up vouchers from their site, you might have a chance to win a Metal Slime PS4 console.

To purchase Plus membership, go here for USUKHK, or JP PSN.
30 days membership starts at $10 for PSN US, or $8.9 for PSN UK, or $5 for PSN HK, or $4.3 for PSN JP.

If you were live on PSN sub-account before, you can now upgrade your sub-account into master account, after your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

February 21, 2015

Yakuza Zero have demo available as early access to JP PS+ members all around the world. (EXPIRED)

Ready to see the past of Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima? Are you currently a member of Japanese PS Plus? If you are, Yakuza Zero (Japanese only) is currently available for you and all JP PS Plus members all around the world! And you might want to get it quick since the demo is an early access so it only available until 23rd JST. There's no word whether it will be available for the masses later or not. The full version will release on March 12th.

If you are not a Japanese PSN member yet, well, the good news is its 30 days PS+ subscription is the world's cheapest at only 514 Yen or $4.33! The other good news is it is open to everyone all over the world, you don't have to be Japanese or living in Japan to be a member. The bad news is that the store is only in Japanese, so click here to read our tutorial on how to set up a JP PSN account straight from your PC. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC. And just in time, Play-Asia.com have a lucky draw if you buy JP PSN top-up vouchers from their site, you might have a chance to win a Metal Slime PS4 console.

So without further ado here is the link to go to the early access section on JP PSN store.

Click on the yellow button below the game logo picture on the game page. The demo is quite heavy at 4~5GBs for both console, you might want to do some space management before downloading. You can read our guide if you are confused how to get a game from JP PSN webstore, the guide is written for purpose of purchasing game, but for free games the steps are extremely similar, if not exactly the same.

And while your JP PS+ membership is active, you might want to see these goodies for JP PS+ members this month.

If you are interested, Yakuza 4 (PS3) English version is currently offered free to play for US and EU PS plus members. And only available until March 3rd. Click here to see the game in US and UK PSN store.

Do you prefer a bluray version? You can pre-order now too!

To purchase Plus membership,
go here for USUKHK, or JP PSN.
30 days membership starts at $10 for PSN US, or $8.9 for PSN UK, or $5 for PSN HK, or $4.3 for PSN JP.

Don't have PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

If you were live on PSN sub-account before, you can now upgrade your sub-account into master account, after your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

Now please excuse us, we are going to download the demo too and also continuing our Yakuza 4 gameplay.

Other ongoing deals:
  1. Critic's Choice, Aksys and Focus Home Sale in US PSN. Spend $100 and get $15 return.
  2. Vita Birthday sale, February Price Cut, and Digital Discount part 3 in UK PSN.
  3. Preorder PS4 version of Resident Evil Revelations 2 from US PSN and get the PS3 version for free.
  4. Get two years of PS4 online play for a price equivalent to US$64.1, or even cheaper at US$60 and still have chance to win the exclusive Metal Slime PS4 console.
  5. Top-Up your Japanese PSN account and get a bigger chance to win the exclusive Metal Slime PS4 console.
  6. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess for free, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  7. Play February 2015 IGC games for free if you are subscribing PS Plus. 
  8. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  9. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  10. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service and you can get it now from Play-Asia.com and have bigger chance to win the exclusive Metal Slime PS4 console.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

February 20, 2015

Resident Evil Revelations 2 is cross-buy for those who pre-order the game from US PSN! (EXPIRED)

UPDATE: EXPIRED. The first episode is already released.

NOTE: The crossbuy privilege is also available for those who purchase from Mexico and Latin American PSN stores. No information of crossbuy in the other regions.

Capcom Unity announced that the latest Resident Evil game is also PS4/PS3 cross-buy for those who pre-order the game in North American PSN store (US/CA). The offer will expire when Episode 1 release at 24th. If you already pre-ordered PS4 or PS3 version before, you're good to go. But for those who pre-ordered both version should contact Sony immediately to get a refund, as long as the pre-order was made under 90 days.

In addition to the PS3/PS4 version of the console, if you pre-order the game you will get the Raid Mode Stage Pack.

Here is the link, it will redirect you to the PS4 version, since the link for PS3 version is under maintenance (will be ready by 22nd). The game is priced for $24.99 (in both US and Canadian Dollar)

The game release date is February 24th so you will need to wait until that date (in PST) to start playing. At the same time, the crossbuy privilege is over.

It is worthy to note that Canadian PSN store priced the game at CA$24.99 which is around US$20, or around US$5 cheaper than US PSN. You might want to purchase it from Canadian PSN store instead, if you have a membership there.

If you prefer physical version, it's too bad since the retail box set won't be available until next month. But no worries, you can start to pre-order the bluray version too, not cross-buy though.

Confused how to make a purchase from PSN webstore? Read our guideYou can purchase top-ups for your account from play-asia. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC.

Interested to take advantage? Don't have US PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

If you were live on PSN sub-account before, you can now upgrade your sub-account into master account, after your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

Other ongoing deals:
  1. Critic's Choice, Aksys and Focus Home Sale in US PSN. Spend $100 and get $15 return.
  2. Vita Birthday sale, February Price Cut, and Digital Discount part 3 in UK PSN.
  3. Preorder PS4 version of Resident Evil Revelations 2 from US PSN and get the PS3 version for free.
  4. Another Vita Birthday sale is oncoming from US PSN.
  5. Get two years of PS4 online play for a price equivalent to US$64.1, or even cheaper at US$60 and still have chance to win the exclusive Metal Slime PS4 console.
  6. Top-Up your Japanese PSN account and get a bigger chance to win the exclusive Metal Slime PS4 console.
  7. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess for free, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  8. Play February 2015 IGC games for free if you are subscribing PS Plus. 
  9. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  10. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  11. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service and you can get it now from Play-Asia.com and have bigger chance to win the exclusive Metal Slime PS4 console.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

Purchase 1 Year of Plus membership and get cash back

For gamers who are looking to play online on their PS4 console.

Are you looking to purchase Plus membership to play your PS4 games online? Read on, HK PSN is celebrating Chinese New Year by giving HK$38 (US$4.9) cash-back if you purchase their 1 year PS Plus membership. And why you should be excited for this, well... Asian PSN has the world's cheapest 12-months PS Plus membership fee.

Rather than paying US$49.99 in US PSN or even more expensive in UK/EU PSN, HK PSN only need HK$268 (US$34.5) for enjoying the online features of your PS4 games. In addition, you are eligible to play for free some PS4 games that is made available to claim each month, if you are interested in playing game for free, that is.

So combined with the US$4.9 cash-back, you will end-up only paying $29.6 for 365 days of online gaming, how is that not awesome? Or you can see it as paying $34.5 for one year online gaming and end up having $4.9 price cut in your HK PSN account when purchasing the next PS Plus membership, and that means just a shy US$64.1 for 2 years of PS4 online gameplay. For comparison, US PSN is charging you almost $100 for 2 years of online gameplay and UK PSN even charges you US$123 for same period of time.

So without further ado, here is the link:

Offer end March 3rd 00:00 HKT

Confused how to make a purchase from PSN webstore? Read our guide.
You can purchase top-ups for your account from play-asia.

Interested to take advantage? Don't have HK PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

Asian PSN rule of thumb, the cheapest between all stores in Asian PSN is Indonesian PSN store, so if you have an account at Indonesian PSN and can top-up your account, you should get it from Indonesian PSN instead.

If your PSN account is a sub-account, you can now upgrade it into master account, if your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC.
  1. Vita Birthday Sale and Ubisoft Sale in US PSN.
  2. Another Vita Birthday sale, February Price Cut, and Digital Discount part 3 in UK PSN.
  3. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess for free, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  4. Play February 2015 IGC games for free if you are subscribing PS Plus. 
  5. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  6. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  7. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You'll need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates

February 19, 2015

Vita Birthday, February Price Cut and Digital Discount part 3 in UK/EU PSN (EXPIRED)

NOTE: EXPIRED. Replaced with Final Fantasy Deals and Digital Discount part 4 

The deals for the next two weeks in UK/EU PSN is here. Vita owners who are using UK/EU PSN as their account are getting special treat as the console entered the 3rd birthday, it got an entire sale dedicated for this device. The list is very long so I don't want to waste any spaces and just going straight into the list, click on the sale titles to see the sale live on UK PSN.

Deal of the week (ends 25th February 2015)
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition £11.99/€14.99

PS Vita birthday discounts (ends 4th March 2015)
as the title say, all games are for PS Vita, some might be crossbuy though.

Assassin’s Creed III Liberation £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate £11.99/€14.99 (10% more with +)
Child of Light – Complete Edition £7.39/€8.99
Child of Light £5.79/€6.99
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair £14.99/€19.99
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc £14.99/€19.99
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited £14.99/€19.99
Dragon’s Crown £14.99/€19.99
Dustforce £1.69/€1.99
God of War Collection £9.99/€12.99 (10% more with +)
Gravity Rush £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f £15.99/€19.99
Killzone Mercenary £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes £14.99/€19.99 (10% more with +)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty – HD Edition £6.49/€7.99
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – HD Edition £6.49/€7.99
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection £11.99/€14.99 (10% more with +)
Mortal Kombat £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
MotoGP14 £11.99/€14.99 (10% more with +)
MotoGP14 Compact £3.99/€4.99
MotoGP14 Compact to full game upgrade £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
MotorStorm RC Complete Edition £3.29/€3.99 (10% more with +)
Need for Speed Most Wanted £11.99/€14.99
Persona 4 Golden £14.99/€19.99
Rayman Origins £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
Resistance: Burning Skies £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
Ridge Racer – Ultimate Edition £5.79/€6.99
Ridge Racer £3.99/€4.99
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed £7.99/€9.99
Soul Sacrifice Delta £11.99/€14.99 (10% more with +)
Street Fighter X Tekken £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
Super Stardust Delta £3.29/€3.99 (10% more with +)
Tearaway £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
The Jak and Daxter Trilogy £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy £9.99/€12.99 (10% more with +)
The Sly Trilogy £9.99/€12.99 (10% more with +)
The Walking Dead: Season Two – SEASON PASS £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season £6.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
The Wolf Among Us – The Complete First Season £9.99/€12.99 (10% more with +)
Uncharted: Golden Abyss £9.99/€12.99 (10% more with +)
WipEout 2048 £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Ys: Memories of Celceta £14.99/€19.99

February Price Cuts (ends 4th March)

Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry £6.19/€7.49
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag £19.99/€24.99
Battlefield 4 Premium Edition £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
Destiny £29.99/€39.99
Destiny Digital Guardian Edition £54.99/€64.99
Divekick £3.29/€3.99
Killzone Shadow Fall £15.99/€19.99 (10% more with +)
Killzone Shadow Fall (upgrade) £11.99/€14.99 (10% more with +)
Killzone Shadow Fall and Season Pass Bundle £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept Online Co-op £6.49/€7.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition £39.99/€44.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham £29.99/€34.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO The Hobbit £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
Madden NFL 15 £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition £29.99/€34.99 (10% more with +)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Premium Edition £44.99/€49.99 (10% more with +)
MotoGP14 £15.99/€19.99
Murdered: Soul Suspect £9.49/€11.99
NHL 15 £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
Samurai Warriors 4 £29.99/€34.99 (10% more with +)
Strider £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Tetris Ultimate £5.79/€6.99
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Gold Edition £24.99/€29.99
The Evil Within £19.99/€39.99
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate £24.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
RESOGUN £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)

Army of TWO The Devil’s Cartel £6.49/€7.99
Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry £6.19/€7.49
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag £10.99/€14.99
Back to the Future: The Game – 5 Game Series £3.99/€4.99
Batman Arkham Collection £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
Batman Arkham Origins £10.99/€14.99 (10% more with +)
Batman: Arkham Asylum £7.99/€9.99
Batman: Arkham City £7.99/€9.99
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate – Deluxe Edition £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
Battlefield 4 Premium Edition £15.99/€19.99 (10% more with +)
Bionic Commando Rearmed £1.69/€1.99
Bionic Commando Rearmed 1 and 2 Bundle £3.29/€3.99
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 £2.49/€2.99
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
Catherine £3.99/€4.99
Child of Light £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution £2.99/€3.59
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut £3.99/€4.99
Dishonored Game of the Year Edition £19.99/€24.99
Divekick £3.29/€3.99
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
EA Sports MMA £6.49/€7.99
Escape Dead Island £10.99/€14.99
Fight Night Champion £3.99/€4.99
Jurassic Park: The Game £3.99/€4.99
Killer is Dead £7.99/€9.99
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition £29.99/€39.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham £19.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
LEGO The Hobbit £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
Lost Planet 3 £3.99/€4.99
Madden NFL 15 £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots £7.99/€9.99
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Legion Edition £19.99/€29.99 (10% more with +)
Mortal Kombat £7.99/€9.99
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection £3.99/€4.99
MotoGP14 £7.99/€9.99
Murdered: Soul Suspect £7.39/€8.99
NHL 15 £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
Okami HD £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Rayman Origins £5.79/€6.99
Remember Me £7.99/€9.99 (10% more with +)
RESOGUN £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Risen 3: Titan Lords £19.99/€29.99
Sacred 3 £15.99/€19.99
‘Sam & Max’ The Devil’s Playhouse £3.99/€4.99
Sam & Max: Beyond Time & Space £3.29/€3.99
Samurai Warriors 4 £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)
Street Fighter X Tekken £5.79/€6.99
Strider £5.79/€6.99 (10% more with +)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix £3.29/€3.99
Tales of Monkey Island – Full Series £3.99/€4.99
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Gold Edition £19.99/€29.99
The Evil Within £19.99/€29.99
The Wolf Among Us – Season Pass £5.79/€6.99
Tomb Raider Digital Edition £5.09/€6.19
Tomb Raider: Underworld £3.99/€4.99
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate £19.99/€24.99 (10% more with +)

Digital Discounts (ends 4th March 2015)
Only discount percentage is supplied, the prices listed below are full price. Visit PSN store directly to see the prices after discount. All discounts are 10% more with Plus membership,

Chariot 40% off £11.99/€14.99
Daylight 40% off £11.99/€14.99
King Oddball 40% off £3.99/€4.99
Pure Pool 40% off £7.99/€9.99
Styx: Master of Shadows 40% off £24.99/€29.99
Trine 2: Complete Story 50% off £13.99/€16.99
Trine Bundle 50% off £19.99/€24.99
Trine Enchanted Edition 50% off £9.99/€12.99
Titan Attacks! 50% off £7.99/€9.99

Contrast 60% off £11.99/€14.99
Lights, Camera, Party! 60% off £9.99/€12.99
Thomas Was Alone 50% off £6.19/€7.49
Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight 50% off £1.99/€2.49
Trine – The game 50% off £7.99/€9.99
Trine 2 50% off £9.29/€11.25
Titan Attacks! 50% off £7.99/€9.99

PS Vita
Young Thor 50% off £3.99/€4.99
King Oddball 40% off £3.69/€4.49
Thomas Was Alone 50% off £6.19/€7.49
Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight 50% off £1.99/€2.49
Titan Attacks! 50% off £7.99/€9.99

Phew, this concluded the list.

Confused how to make a purchase from PSN webstore? Read our guideYou can purchase top-ups for your account from play-asia. See also our guide on how to top up your account from PC.

Note for Vita/PSTV users, Switching between regions on PS Vita requires a separate Vita Memory Card involving a factory reset on Vita devices. So if your PSN account on your Vita currently is not UK PSN and you are feeling that there is too much hassle to switch, perhaps it is better to wait until the title you want is being offered in your region. Nobody knows when though. If you don't mind switching region, Kotaku has written a detailed tutorial on how to change PSN region on PS Vita, you can check it.

Interested to take advantage? Don't have UK PSN account yet? Read our tutorial on how to set up a PSN account straight from your PCThe registration is free and open to everyone everywhere in the world, not limited to any nationality or place you live, you can also check the FAQ if you are in doubt.

If you were live on PSN sub-account before, you can now upgrade your sub-account into master account, after your age turned 18. See this blog post for detail.

To purchase Plus membership, go here for USUKHK, or JP.
30 days membership starts at $10 for PSN US, or $8.9 for PSN UK, or $5 for PSN HK, or $4.3 for PSN JP.

Deals currently ongoing:
  1. Vita Birthday and Ubisoft Sale in US PSN.
  2. Another Vita Birthday sale, February Price Cut, and Digital Discount part 3 in UK PSN.
  3. Get two years of PS4 online play for a price equivalent to US$64.1
  4. Play the addictive free game Fat Princess: Piece of Cake on your Vita or smartphone, finish level 15 and get the PS3 game Fat Princess for free, available for US/UK/HK PSN account holder.
  5. Play February 2015 IGC games for free if you are subscribing PS Plus. 
  6. As an addition to the official IGC, Uncharted 3 is re-offered as IGC for UK PSN Plus members. Not available on US/HK/JP PSN.
  7. Final Fantasy XIV (PS4/PS3) free to play for 14 days in UK and US PSN. 
  8. Sing popular song in English, or perhaps even Anime/Game songs and K-POPs at affordable price. Read our guide for Joysound TV Plus. You need Japanese PSN top-ups for this service.

follow our twitter @psnworldupdates